Macro trends up to 2040 set the tone for the opening panel at the EXPOBOR and PNEUSHOW 2024 trade fairs. The presentation brought insights and discussions on how technology is there to help society in many everyday actions, and that by 2040 it will be even more evolved. For the conversation, the panel welcomed Rafael Cervone Neto, vice-president of FIESP and president of CIESP; Marcelo Zaidan, president of SINDIBOR; Giulio Cesar Claro, president of ARESP; and Antonio Carlos Spalletta, director and editor of Borracha Atual magazine, as mediator.

“We breathe technology and this makes us more flexible in our actions. We have a differential in Brazil, which is the skilled people who can help with these changes and develop the sector”, commented Rafael Cervone Neto, vice-president of FIESP and president of CIESP.

The talk also inspired the audience with approaches showing how markets are using technology, explaining that everything from the automotive sector to entertainment and tourism are using the metaverse and how companies can use these tools to their advantage to bring even more news to the market. “Taking part in this historic moment is very important, because we know that 2024 will be a year of a better world, with a higher quality of life. Helping to bring about these changes, transforming the world into a more sustainable place for the future, is a source of great pride,” says Marcelo Zaidan, president of SINDIBOR.


Days and times: From June 26 to 28, from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Venue: Expo Center Norte – Rua José Bernardo Pinto, 333, São Paulo – SP
Official EXPOBOR and PNEUSHOW 2024 website – click here
Official registration pageclick here

EXPOBOR, the main and largest rubber technology event in Latin America, brings together products, machinery, solutions and innovations for the production of rubber artifacts in various industrial segments, such as the automotive industry, mobility, footwear, oil, pneumatics, steel, electronics, construction, hospitality, among others. The fair offers a complete experience, including exhibitions, networking, business opportunities, congresses, seminars, lectures and special projects in partnership with academic and sector entities, making it an international benchmark in industrial technology.

PNEUSHOW is the sector’s leading trade fair, presenting products, machines, solutions and innovations that cover all stages of a tire’s useful life. Manufacturers, dealers, retreaders and transporters come together every two years to drive the evolution of technology on wheels and contribute to a more sustainable society. PNEUSHOW offers a complete experience for participants, with exhibitions, networking opportunities, congresses, seminars, lectures and special projects developed in collaboration with academic partners and representative sector entities. The event is an international reference in tire production and retreading technologies, connecting the present with the future of innovation in mobility.

About Francal
Francal was founded in the city of Franca, in the interior of São Paulo, in 1969. For 55 years it has contributed to fostering economic and social development, operating in 15 multiple sectors, attracting connections between national and international companies. In more than five decades, we have become one of the largest and most solid event promoters in the country and today we have 16 fairs in our portfolio. In 2024, established as an ecosystem for events, Francal envisions an upwardly mobile future in offering connections and advancing business.

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