EXPOBOR and PNEUSHOW celebrate success with the presence of more than 9,600 professionals and many innovations for the rubber and tire retreading industry

In three days, the events moved the entire ecosystem and showed significant growth in various professional categories The 15th edition of EXPOBOR and PNEUSHOW, the main business events for the rubber and tire retreading market, ended last Friday (28) at Expo Center Norte in São Paulo. For three days, it brought together the main players […]

Tire retreading highlighted in panel at EXPOBOR and PNEUSHOW

Panel dealt with education, proper training and a sustainable approach in the tire retreading sector During the second day of the EXPOBOR and PNEUSHOW trade fairs, one of the rubber industry’s main events, experts discussed strategies for solid growth in tire retreading in a panel mediated by Beto Arnaud Jr, founder of Clínica do Pneu. […]

Innovations in tires for electric cars are new at EXPOBOR and PNEUSHOW

Electric car sales in Brazil recorded an impressive 91% growth in 2023, with a total of 93,927 vehicles purchased, according to figures released by the Brazilian Electric Vehicle Association (ABVE). The figure represents a significant leap compared to 2022, when 49,245 electric vehicles were sold. This growth is driving important innovations in different sectors that […]

The opening ceremony of the EXPOBOR and PNEUSHOW trade fairs was attended by authorities and announcements were made of government investments in the tire and rubber sector

The EXPOBOR and PNEUSHOW trade fairs kicked off on Wednesday, the 26th, with an opening ceremony in the Knowledge Arena at Expo Center Norte, with the distinguished presence of Senator Margareth Buzetii, President of ABR; Abdala Jamil Abdala, Chairman of Francal; Marcelo Zaidan, President of Sindibor; and Giulio Cesar Claro, President of ARESP. During the […]

EXPOBOR e PNEUSHOW comemoram sucesso com a presença de mais de 9.600 profissionais e muitas inovações para a indústria da borracha e da reforma de pneus

Em três dias, eventos movimentaram todo o ecossistema e apresentaram crescimento expressivo em diversas categorias profissionais A 15ª edição da EXPOBOR e PNEUSHOW, principais eventos do setor de negócios para o mercado de borracha e reforma de pneus, encerrou-se na última sexta-feira (28), no Expo Center Norte, em São Paulo. Durante três dias, reuniu os […]

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